This bundle is the complete package. When you purchase this collection you'll receive the digital eBooks, the hardcopy edition, mailed to your doorstep, the downloadable Ubuntu VirtualBox virtual machine so you can start learning OpenCV instantly, my pre-configured Raspbian .img, and 16 videos covering over 4+ hours of tutorials from the books. If you're serious about learning computer vision and OpenCV, there is no doubt in my mind that this is the best bundle for you.The complete 4th edition eBooks in PDF format
- An exclusive hardcopy edition of Practical Python and OpenCV + Case Studies mailed right to your doorstep
- The complete 4th edition eBooks in PDF
- 16 videos covering over 4+ hours of tutorials from Practical Python and OpenCV + Case Studies
- The downloadable, pre-configured Ubuntu virtual machine (runs on OSX, Linux, & Windows)
- My personal Raspbian .img file pre-baked with Python + OpenCV already installed.
- All source code listings, example images, and datasets used in both books
- FREE updates as the books are revised
- The original 1st edition of Practical Python and OpenCV + Case Studies which covers OpenCV 2.4
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